::fibreculture:: stats?

Sean Cubitt seanc at waikato.ac.nz
Tue Aug 19 16:13:24 EST 2003

stunning stats molly

also not entirely our list topic but giving an insight into tyhe 
share of information production divided into national levels - check 
the Annual Book production grid from the International Publishers 
Association at http://www.ipa-uie.org/ (under 'Statistics on 
Publishing') The .xls downloads are interesting too.

What gets me is that there are a hundred narratives waiting to be 
built out of these - the raw data is never raw.  On the other hand, 
the measurability - not the actual figures but the principle that the 
quantity of media might be a weighable, countable, tangible quantity 
- is one of thje things that deistinguishes media analysis from the 
idealism of sociology and other defunct  activities



Sean Cubitt * Screen and Media Studies * University of Waikato * 
Private Bag 3105 * Hamilton * New Zealand * seanc at waikato.ac.nz * T: 
+64 (0)7 838 4543 * F: +64 (0)7 838 4767

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