::fibreculture:: Re: posting guidelines

Anna Munster a.munster at unsw.edu.au
Mon Aug 29 09:02:25 EST 2005

On 28/08/2005, at 5:41 AM, Linda Wallace wrote:

> this is an interesting discussion -- I think about lists and their 
> dynamics
> quite a lot. what makes people respond and engage, and in which ways 
> they do
> so, is mysterious. sometimes sending a post or replying to something 
> is like
> opening the wrong door at a party, finding a room full of snarling dogs
> rather than the beer and beanbags.

the party analogy is interesting and crops up often when people 
describe why they
*don't* want to participate in a particular thread or *can't* become 
part of a list.

Recently during an empyre discussion lead by some blog artists, one 
posed the difference between blogging and lists in terms of parties - 
ie he didn't want to walk into a party and feel
like an idiot, all these people talking and then turning around and 
watching him. He'd rather blog...

There are some interesting ideas about who and what is the *audience* 
embedded in this. Is the audience immediately
constituted around any point of performance (first time posting, 
trolling, flaming etc for lists or performer vs. audience and peers for 
blogs). Or is the audience the silent part of the list, lurkers, 
readers etc.

Moreover, what do we mean by dragging this term *audience* into the 
network? I don't think its completely accidental or obsolete, as there
are certainly issues of performativity engaged in networks. By this I 
also mean to suggest with the ways in which performance is more broadly 
  *evaluated* and *rewarded*  in info economies and cultures,


Dr. Anna Munster
Senior Lecturer
Post-Graduate Coordinator
School of Art History and Theory,
College of Fine Arts
University of NSW
P.O Box 259
Paddington, 2021
ph: 612 9385 0741
fx: 612 9385 0615
CRICOS Provider code 00098G

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