[tof] Self Distribution Kit for doco-makers

tof at lists.culture2.org tof at lists.culture2.org
Thu Aug 11 14:17:01 EST 2005

All of those interested in distribution possibilities, there are now 
many and varied options.

For those who may not be aware, doco filmmaker Cathy Henkel is 
actually doing a session at the ASDA conference explaining all of the 
different grassroots strategies that she has employed on her recent 
films (theatrical, community campaigns, web presence etc)

This conference follows on from the planned forum at the NSW writers 
centre being discussed among doco filmmakers, where we hope to talk 
about issues such as these.

It would be great at that meeting - and the conference - to see 
whether we can explore very tangible ways to actually make it easier 
for doco makers to use new technologies and new delivery platforms to 
get their stuff to audiences.



Richard Harris
Executive Director
Australian Screen Directors Association

PH: 612 9555 7045 FAX: 612 9555 7086
WEB: www.asdafilm.org.au

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